Slice of Life #27

This morning Dublin graduated from his intermediate obedience class.  The last class is a review before the certificates are handed out and we torture the dogs by putting mortarboards on them and taking pictures.  After everyone came to class, we moved out of the ring and to the back of the store, where distractions were aplenty.  All of the owners grumbled good-naturedly, complaining that there was no way any of the dogs would be able to work that way.

We began with a few basic commands, like sit-and-stay with distance and duration.  Dublin did pretty good, only breaking and getting up when things got really exciting.  Next was down-and-stay with distance and duration.

Chris took the reins this time.

“Down, Dublin,” he commanded while holding a treat in his hand.  Around us, dogs were laying down and calmly looking at their owners.

Dublin sat and stared at us.  Making no move to lie down.

“Dublin. Down.” Chris commanded a little louder.

Still nothing.

This continued for almost a minute.  Dublin looked around, looked at us, and did everything but lay down.  The instructor and our groupmates couldn’t help but laugh.  He was like a petulant child refusing to do what his parents said!

Thankfully, that was the only command he refused to participate in.  I told him if he didn’t shape up he was going to be left back!

2 Responses

  1. I enjoyed your account of the “ceremony” and had to call my daughter in to see the photo. So fun!

  2. I’ve enjoyed your slice of life entries all month, but this one is one of my favorites.

    I’m working on developing some web-based software to use with my class. Each student will have their own “Book” page, where they’ll list the books they’ve read and there will be an option to review them. The kids will be able to see what their friends are reading and “comment” on each others pages. My vision is to create a social networking place focused on books that is tightly monitored (so it’s OK for school). I know that book buzz and peer chatter will help keep those reading flames burning bright. And I’m sure you already know how much 10-12 year-olds LOVE their social networking sites. I’m predicting that their commitment to the quality writing will be amped up some by the “public” forum, even if only their peers are able to read their reviews.

    Ideas? Suggestions? What would your perfect Reading Zone class software package include?

    I’m so excited for National Poetry Month.

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