I’m back!

Well, I have been MIA for the last month. But I promise I have a good excuse!!! I closed on a condo on July 30 and have been moving, painting, working, and being mostly exhausted since then!!! But I am back with a vengeance…expect more reviews over the next few days!

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Bruno

Cynthia Lord (“Rules” Newbery 2007) sent me an ARC of this wonderful novel. Written in a mix between verse and prose, it is a quick read that cuts straight to the heart.

Zoe is a typical preteen. She isn’t the coolest kid in her class, her parents aren’t perfect, and she wants to play piano more than anything in the world. Like most kids, life doesn’t exactly work out the way she hopes. Suffice to say- instead of the grand piano she so desperately wants, her parents get her an organ. An old, used organ at that. Not really Carnegie Hall material!

I really loved this book. I don’t want to give away many details, as that will take away most of the enjoyment for the reader. I do plan to booktalk this in my classroom this year. I can see many student identifying with Zoe’s troubles and her issues at home.

And who wouldn’t love the cover? The socks are adorable!!!