Student-led Book Clubs

Over the past few weeks, two of my students have been holding their own book club.  The two best friends decided they wanted to read my single copy of Gone. For the first few days they shared my single copy- two heads bent over the book during independent reading. After a few days, I noticed they had two copies. When I questioned them, they said they went to the library and requested a copy, interlibrary, so that they could read next to each other but also “take the book home to read without fighting”. Before this year, they told me they hadn’t been to the library in years.

Every day while we read in class, I watch these two girls move next to each other, open their copies of Gone, and silently turn the pages. They talk about the book with each other and with me, coming to me to share their responses and exclamations. I LOVE IT!

I didn’t require that they read the same book. I didn’t even suggest it (knowing I only had one copy). Instead, they took it upon themselves to have a book club. It’s amazing the power that social reading has. Why don’t we harness this in more classrooms and use it? Students reading, recommending, and talking about books is more powerful than any literacy kit, basal reader, or literature set.

4 Responses

  1. […] Read more from the original source: Student-led Book Clubs « The Reading Zone […]

  2. This year I had a group of fourth grade girls reading the Twilight series. They even took their books out to recess, and on Fridays I let them meet in my room during recess for discussion. I was so excited about them reading and finishing books that I gave up my lunch to supervise them. I so loved listening to them discuss the books, that I found it hard not to get involved.

  3. That is a great story, Sarah. Thanks for sharing it. I still remember the first time I had a friend who also loved books, back in 4th and 5th grade, and the books that we shared. So, I really do think that this sort of interaction has the potential to have life-long impact.

  4. 4th graders? Reading Twilight? I’m sorry, but although I endorse student-choice, the adult needs to be responsible here. This series is NOT meant for 4th graders…so much they can not yet understand about intimacy between a man and a woman. Whoa.

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