Election 2008

Like Stacey, I spent a lot of time today considering how I would approach the election with my students this week.  Due to the NJEA Teacher’s Convention, we only have a 3-day week, so things are hectic as it is!  But I knew that I wanted to involve my students as much as possible in this historic election while still allowing enough time to move forward with Tuck Everlasting and our personal essay unit of study.  Then, while paging through some of my resources, I had a great idea.  

Susan E. Goodman’s See How They Run: Campaign Dreams, Election Schemes, and the Race to the White House is a book I have been meaning to use all year, but somehow never got to until now.  While perusing Susan’s website today I found a great presidential survey for kids.   With a few adaptations, I made a copy that I can use in my classroom tomorrow.  My students will be filling out the survey and then writing an essay entry in their writer’s notebook about the 3 biggest issues our new president will face upon election.  I am really looking forward to hearing their thoughts!



Free Starbucks If You Vote

As if voting wasn’t enough motivation in and of itself, Starbucks will be offering a free Tall coffee to anyone who votes on Tuesday.  If you live in an area that doesn’t give out proof of voting, they will work on the honor system!