Vista Print

For the last few weeks I have been having a lot of fun with Vista Print.  What is Vista Print?

With more than 13 million customers worldwide, VistaPrint is a leading online supplier of high-quality graphic design services and customized printed products to small businesses and consumers. We offer high-quality solution for graphic design and full-color printing in small quantities, without the premium price.

Vista Print is a godsend for teachers.  They have daily free items.  Yes, you read that right.  FREE.  All you have to pay is shipping and handling.  You can order up to 10 free items per order.  How awesome is that?  They carry almost any graphics product you can think of, from postcards to business cards to car door magnets.

If you are an office supply junkie like me, I guarantee Vista Print will become a vice, an addiction.  It’s crazy!  I have already placed 5 orders and received 3 of them.  The quality is top-notch and everything is perfect.  I can’t wait to start using everything.  Now if only school would start…

I put together a document with some of the items I have ordered so far.  I gleaned most of these ideas from all over the web, putting my own twist on them.  The best ideas have all been gathered on this great website, so be sure to explore it.  It seems that a lot of primary teachers use Vista Print, so I did a lot of tweaking to get items that were cool enough for 6th graders without being babyish.  Plus, I wanted each item to serve a purpose in my room, one that would help me stay organized

My Vista Print Ideas- Click to download!

12 Responses

  1. Awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing! Did you design everything yourself or did you use templates?

  2. I used templates. The templates are free. 🙂 And there are literally hundreds of templates to choose from!

  3. Wonderful ideas! I have used Vista Print for my outside business but I never knew about these other wonderful goodies!

  4. Thanks for sharing — and reminding me that I want to get my order placed for Vista Print! 🙂

  5. Very fun! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Thanks for the site. It looks like it will be a lot of fun.

    What types of do now activities do you have your students do in the morning. My new school has students get their breakfast when they get there in the morning (starting at 7:30 or a little after) and take it to their classroom. Then they wait until 8:00 to eat it together as a class. The teachers in 4/5 grade recommended having a list of things to do on the board to keep them doing something self-directed and productive during the time they are waiting for the official start time/breakfast. I thought you might have some great ideas to share.

    This will be my first year as a self-contained teacher. I am excited and know that I will be learning so much!

  7. Each teacher on the team takes a day for the Do-Now. The math teacher usually has a worksheet or some type of contest for her day. The contest could be related to the students’ dollar words or something related to n activity they are doing. The SS/Sci teacher has another morning and she usually has a worksheet. Again, something related to their work that week. For language, I have two days and I used to do DOL because that is what were are slightly pressured to do. This year, I am trying to find something else to do!

    Oh, and on Fridays we do something fun. We try to find a worksheet related to a holiday or celebration that week. We have a great book of holiday worksheets for things like Arbor Day, famous inventor’s birthdays, and religious holidays the students are not otherwise aware of.

  8. Thanks for giving me more information on your school’s Do-Now. I had been considering having different days assigned to different content areas. I think I will do it that way so that they will not get too monotonous with the same type of activity/content every day. I love your idea of having something fun on Fridays.

  9. FYI…..beware with VistaPrint as they’re notorious for luring customers in with “free” offers and ripping them off. Check out this site for more info:

  10. It’s a perfect case of caveat emptor- you need to read the final page of your order. Don’t click on anything extra, don’t go for the “survey”, don’t try the extra 20% off at the end. You just have to read the fine print. I have placed many orders and haven’t had any problems at all.

  11. Not always with Vista Print. They’ve been sued in the past (and lost) so they’re definitely deceitful. I wouldn’t support them, personally.

  12. good business cards

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