Cybils Short Lists

Happy 2008! What better way to ring in the first day of the new year than with the Cybils short lists? Half the short lists were posted this morning, with the rest of the categories being published on January 7th.

I am so, so, so very happy with the middle grade fiction short list! I have read 3 of the books listed (the first 3!), one more on my to be read pile, and 3 others on my wishlist. I need my bookstore/library to get their copies in! But again, I am thrilled with this list. I can’t wait to see who wins the award!

The fantasy category has been divided into a teen category and younger readers category. I am thrilled to see Sarah Beth Durst’s novel on the list. Nancy Farmer’s novel is sitting on my to be read pile, also. I have a lot of reading to get to!!

As I said the other day, the quality of books I am reading has really risen to new heights, and that is proven again when I compare my list of books in 2007 to the awards’ short lists. I have actually read many of the books and the ones I haven’t read were already on my wishlist!

4 Responses

  1. Happy new year! I’m glad you like the list – I’m so happy with it, too. 🙂

  2. Great minds think alike.

  3. I’m glad you like our shortlists! I hope you enjoy the books you haven’t read as much as you obviously like the ones you have!

  4. Happy New Year! We were thrilled with our MG shortlist, too, and we’re so glad you’re excited about the titles.

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