Breaking Dawn- Stephenie Meyer

Yesterday I rushed to Barnes and Noble, where I frantically searched for Eclipse Special Edition (The Twilight Saga) by Stephenie Meyer. Of course, I made sure that it wasn’t obvious I was frantically searching- how embarrassing would that be? 😉 After looking all over the Teen section, where I watched two teenage girls pace the aisles in search of the same book, I finally found one copy at the front of the store. I grabbed it and made my way to the back corner of the store in search of a chair. I had to settle for a footstool, but I got comfortable and flipped to the back of the book. There, on the last few pages I was swept into the world of Bella and Edward and I read the preface and first chapter of Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4).

I am so excited for the release of Breaking Dawn in August!  I know that Meyer’s novels are not the most well-written and certainly not great literature, but I just love them.  They sweep me into the world of Forks, with vampires and werewolves running amok.  Reading the first chapter of Breaking Dawn only fueled my excitement for the conclusion of the series.  Will Bella be changed?  What will happen to Jacob?  Will we see the Voltari again?  I also love the cover, which was released yesterday.  The chess pieces are intriguing.  Who is the queen?  Who is the pawn?

22 Responses

  1. I’m just as much in love with escaping to Forks myself. I am also very intrigued with the cover. Does it represent Bella before (red pawn) and after (white queen) the change? Why is the “k” elongated?
    I loved Renee reaction, if only figured that Charlie would turn purple. He’s going to have a heart attack if he’s not careful.
    So the questions still remain. Will the wedding actually take place? Will there be a wedding night? Will Jacob imprint on someone or mess everything up for Bella and Edward? (I’m with the vampires, of course) Will it be the Denali clan, the Volturi or someone else that attacks this time? And most importantly will Bella be turned? Can’t wait till Aug. 2!

  2. UGGGHHHH!!! where can i find it on the web? i can’t get to the store! is there anyway i can read it on the web????

  3. you can read a small preview on (entertainment weekly) they had an exclusive.

  4. That’s so funny. I did the same thing and just wrote about it on my blog.

    I can’t wait either and I pre-ordered the book.

  5. Books-A-Million is hosting THE party of the Summer for all Twilight fans. Celebrate the midnight release of Breaking Dawn with Twilight trivia contests, costume contests, prizes, and much more! Party starts at 10pm on Friday, August 1st. Visit you local Books-A-Million to pre-purchase the book today and be the first in line to get Breaking Dawn at midnight, you won’t get it anywhere else faster!

  6. I’m so escited! I can’t even wait for the book releasing. I think it’s so cruel to give the first chapiter of Breaking Dawn in the end of Eclipse!! I mean, it just makes you more and more curious. I know I almost fainted of curiosity! Can’t wait!! There is anywhere I can get more info about the rest of the book in the internet?? Twenty-and-something days are too much!!! ’til August 2nd I’m sure I’ll be DEAD. Just the perspective of reading something more about the new adventures of Edward and Bella makes me too anxious!!! My parents can’t stand me anymore!!!!
    Does anyone else here hates the werewolves – specially Jacob – as much as I do? I hope they die!!! Charlie gives me some agony either. And Billy. Oh, why can’t someone throw a nuclear bomb in La Push?? Jeez…
    If you guys hava something nice to tell me, like… How can you make these days pass faster to Breaking Dawn’s releasing, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!!!

    luv you all

  7. Anxiously awaiting the release of Stephanie Meyer’s “Breaking Dawn”, the newest addition to the “Twilight” Series? Reserve your copy at Barnes & Noble at the Lehigh Valley Mall and join us at 10 PM on August 1st for a fun and exciting Midnight Party! Costume contests, giveaways, dance-offs, trivia contests, and scavenger hunts are just some of the fun to help pass the time until the exciting Midnight release. Call 610-264-0238 for more information and/or to reserve your copy of “Breaking Dawn”.

  8. Does anybody now that when will the Breaking Down be released in Europe, in Hungary? i am looking forward to read the newest book of the twilight series. i heard after the 4th book there will be another one about Edward. it will be from his viewpoint. you can read the first chapter on stephenie meyer’s official website.

  9. i kno it sounds weird but to pass the time im reading all 3 book over and over i cant wait till BREAKING DAWN comes out and theres a book after that called MIDNIGHT SUN its a version of TWILIGHT in edwards point of veiw i cant wait!!!

  10. I can’t wait for Breaking Dawn to come out!! I’m dying for it. I almost screamed when i read the first chapter on because i was so excited!! I can’t wait for Midnight Sun to come out either, I think it’s going to be really interseting. But right now,I’m saving up for Breaking Dawn so I can buy it the second it comes out.(I actually asked my sister if we could possibly make arangements at the movie theatre so we could get tickets for the 1st movie in advance)

  11. There is only one word to describe Breaking Dawn: astounding. The final chapter in Bella Swan’s life before she’s changed. The unexpected twists and turns will leave you breathless. Stephanie has definitely outdone herself this time. So what are you waiting for? Go and buy it now!

  12. I love the series it rox

  13. “Twilight” Series Ooo my God. Stephenie Meyer you got me reading again.

    I can’t wait for another book any book. I also love “The Host”. If you haven’t check this one out yet don’t delay. It is a fantastic read as well.

    Good work Stephanie, you are the best so far!

  14. Well, I have read the Breaking dawn, and it’s really nice. I’m glad stephenie meyer was able to give the complete details which were actually missing on the previous books (twilight, new moon and eclipse) especially the powers of the other vampires from the volturi clan. Though I really don’t like ‘New Moon’ it’s kinda boring to read because it was jake and bella’s moment. I really love ‘Breaking Dawn’.

    I was not so glad with the twilight movie. The story of the movie is not as good as the book. So I was really disappointed. Though, I love the the way robert pattinson (edward cullen) acted on the movie, specially the eyes it was convincing.

  15. Thank you Stephanie Meyer! I loved all four novels, even though my 18 yo daughter did not like New Moon. Enjoyed the movie better the 2nd time & understand some of the fans’ complaints. What a wonderful escape from reality. Pattinson & Stewart are wonderful on screen & I know they’ll get better. Sorry to hear Harwicke won’t be returning though.

  16. Im 45 years old and i have watched my daughter go mad over stephenie meyer books she has locked herself in her room for days on end finishing a book within 2 days and demanding when im going to buy her the next one. I couldn’t understand the fuss over them after all there only books but soon word spread like wild fire and all her friends were reading them. I had to get involved just to see what it was all about and soon i found myself locked in my room and reading a book every two days as i read page after page i could see the story unfold in my mind and have fallen in love with all her books and it has brought my daughter and me closer because we have a common interest Stephenie Meyer………………………

  17. I loved the twilight series. Although, its fantsy and that doesn’t interest me that much!

  18. I absolutely loved Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. Although i haven’t read Breaking Dawn yet because i dont have enough monry to buy it and i can’t get it from a library or a friend because someone else is always boorowing them i am really looking forward to reading them because of all of the stuff that is going to happen in it. I cant wait!!!!

  19. i locked myself in my room,i have not wanted to read like this since i was small. But whan i heard about twilight i started to read it and a merele happen i started reading again. I made my mother mad not doing anything, whan she firured out i was reading that time she was so surpised.

  20. Hi there, your awesome i must say iv never been a reader but the moment before im leaving for QLD i have fell in love with the need i must exaggerate of reading.. xx to my surprise iuv alwys loved the video of ang book or past case oif study.. thank you i am leavin my home town for the first time and my mother who will then be then alnoe.. but i just want to say that you and your story i also feel in love with.. thanx heaps loved it and all the characters x

  21. the best book XD

  22. okay, i am half way through chapter 35 and i put my book of breaking dawn in my locker at school. i have a 3 day weekend and i can NOT go that long without reading it….does anyone know where else i can read it?? like on the internet??

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