Appalled and Disheartened. Governor Christie, How Dare You?

Governor Christie Speaks about K-12 Education (NH, June 8th, 2015)

Youtube link to video

Let me start by getting something out of the way: I do not get paid a full-time salary for a part-time job. I am a teacher, not a leech on the rest of the state.

How dare you? Do you know who does seem to get paid a full-time salary for a part-time job? You do, Mr. Christie. Please remind your constituents where you are during this conversation. It’s NOT in NJ, is it? Exactly how much time have you spent in NJ this year? Last year? Are you giving back your salary? Because that would be “a victory for the taxpayers”, as you are so fond of saying.

This is such a highly offensive conversation. I recognize the satire in the original speaker’s questions, but Governor Christie? Feel free to follow me for a year. Follow my colleagues. I am not “off for four or five months a year”. ln fact, my summer “break” this year is from June 23-Sept 2. That’s not four or five months; it’s approximately 10 weeks.  Secondly, during those hours after 3:30pm and during the summer? I’m often working. I plan, I attend PD on my own time and my own dime, I email parents, I teach PD, I purchase supplies, I update our class webpage, I speak with students over email and social media, I grade. I grade a lot, Mr. Christie. A LOT. I just finished grading a set of almost 80 poems. I have 80 3-4 page self-evaluations to read and grade. I will have almost 100 exams to grade in the next few days. I have to complete the data analysis for my SGO. But I guess I have to make time to get all of that stuff done from 8:30-3:30 while I’m teaching and interacting with students.

And that long summer break you talk about?  Not really a break. I will spend most of my summer working in order to continue paying my bills.  I will also do the following:

  • take classes for my advanced degree.
  • teach other teachers and informal educators at the “Teaching and Learning with Monarch Butterflies” workshop.
  • plan for my new schedule- next year I will change my freshman focus and take on two new senior units.  That means rereading books, drafting assignments, writing assessments, setting up our online spaces, finding resources, planning Skype sessions with experts, rewriting my syllabi, co-planning with colleagues, and much more.
  • complete the summer-long Roots & Shoots Turning Learners into Leaders: Empowering Youth Through Service in Education course offered by the Jane Goodall Institute.
  • organize and sort my thousand+ book class library (most of which I have purchased myself and continue to supplement on a monthly or even weekly basis).
  • read at least a book a day in order to be able to share new and exciting books and authors with my students next year.
  • pre-plan the first National Honor Society outreach with my student leaders so that they are ready in the fall.
  • organize and set-up my classroom, prior to the first teacher work day, as I will have meetings and mandatory professional development in the days leading up to the students’ first day.
  • meet with my state board for NJCTE to plan our fall conference, fall outreach, and spring conference in order to bring more PD to my colleagues who teach English across the state.
  • complete my presentations (yes, multiple) for the NCTE National Convention in the fall.

I don’t know about you, but that seems packed to me.  And many of my colleagues have similarly packed breaks, with professional commitments and learning engagements that run through the entire summer.  Why?  Because during the school year we are in the building for 7, 8, 9, 10, maybe even 12 hours each day.  Then we bring work home with us to continue working on late into the night. Please understand- I love my job.  I love my students with a fierceness you obviously don’t understand.  I can’t imagine not teaching every day, reaching out to students and guiding them.  But I abhor the politics that now surround my profession.  And I’m tired, we are all tired, of teachers being the sacrificial lamb at that altar of some politician’s attempt to climb to the top.

We are tired, Governor, but we keep working.  We keep inspiring, motivating, and teaching our students while doing all of the other “stuff” that comes with teaching. Do you or your wife ever email your child’s teacher and get a reply that same night?  That’s a teacher who is working outside of contracted hours.  Have you had a child sit with a teacher during lunch, before school, or after school for extra help?  That’s outside of contracted hours.  And do you know what?  Most of us do that almost daily because we love our jobs and our students more than we hate the system we are stuck in.

So no, I do not want to work longer hours for no pay (or less pay), as you suggested in your rant. Do you? And how dare you suggest that when 24 hours ago you “won” the appeal allowing you to skip pension payments for MY pension? My check gets smaller every year, I am not permitted to cash out my pension and invest in my own retirement, and now you think I should work longer days and more days in the year? Perhaps teachers should just work for free. We don’t need homes. We don’t have families to provide for. Right?

The good news is that I do agree with you on some points, Mr. Christie– many of our schools in NJ are doing well. In fact, we have some of the best students, schools, and teachers in the country. Consider my school, which is ranked #1 in the country. It’s right here in central NJ but it’s a school you have never acknowledged or visited during your tenure in office. That saddens me.  That’s not fair to my students or my colleagues because you continue to say our students are not succeeding when outside sources disagree.

You and I also agree that some schools in NJ struggle.  They do a disservice to the students they serve in some cases. That’s a fact that we can all recognize. Schools in Asbury Park, Camden, and Newark absolutely struggle and  it’s wrong; the students in those schools deserve the best education possible. But guess what? All three cities you named, Mr. Christie, are state-controlled and/or monitored districts. Isn’t their “failure” a reflection of your tenure in office and your leaders and not the teachers in the trenches?

Also, the schools that are ranked the lowest in our state are ranked the highest in a few big categories.  Where are they ranked #1?  In poverty, Mr. Christie.  Study after study has proven that the biggest hurdle for children is poverty.  We will never “fix” a single school until we start to fix the cycle of poverty.

Also, stop citing that community college statistic. The vast majority of community college attendees are not traditional students. In fact, the mean age of students at Mercer County College, about 20 minutes west of me and the community college serving the Drumthwacket area, is 22 years old.   This is true across the state! These non-traditional students have been out of high school for a number of years so yes, they might need remedial classes. Could you walk into an Algebra II class or a college writing class tomorrow and succeed without a bit of review? I doubt it. I doubt most adults could. Let’s be real- we all watch adults struggle to answer questions on “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”!  It’s not because they can’t do the work but rather because they haven’t done a trigonometry problem in a number of years.  Mr. Governor, that statistic is nonsense so please stop using it.

You are not a teacher, Governor Christie. Stop speaking authoritatively about all the things wrong with schools and what you would do to improve them. It’s insulting to those of us who work with our students every single day.  It’s insulting to the teachers you had, the teachers your children have, and the taxpayers in this state who trust their children to the care of schools each day.  You talk about teachers standing at the front of the room and lecturing to students for hours at at time and that tells me just how out of touch you are. I haven’t seen desks in rows with a teacher lecturing in the front of the room for many, many years. That has not been a best practice for decades!  Oh wait, you know when I see that? When my students have to take the PARCC test! I see it when schools force their teachers to use a scripted curriculum, often endorsed by the state, in order to encourage increases in test scores. Stop mandating nonsense like PARCC and let us teach our students. We know more than you do, I can promise you that.

You know where else I see those dreaded rows? In charter schools. In fact, I see that in your friend Eva Moskowitz’s Success charter schools, where students are routinely humiliated and the teacher turnover rate is astronomical. You know what I do not see in her charter schools? Students with disabilities and students with behavior issues. Charter schools like Success usually achieve their test scores because they do not serve our neediest populations, while our public schools do.

Mr. Governor, I implore you to take a step back and listen to yourself.  Listen to your constituents.  Listen to the nation.  You are tearing down our teachers on a daily basis and we are tired of it.  We are exhausted.  Eventually most teachers won’t have the energy to fight anymore or to teach anymore.  Maybe that’s what you want, but it’s not what’s best for the future of this state.  You might plan to flee New Jersey and head to Washington, DC the first chance you get, but I’m here for the long haul.  Maybe you should start seeking out great teachers (they aren’t hard to find) instead of berating us, demeaning us, and embarrassing us.  What will you do when no one wants to teach anymore?

-Sarah Mulhern Gross is a National Board Certified Teacher at one of the nation’s top STEM schools.  She has been named Teacher of the Year, NJCTE Teacher of the Year, and NCTE Secondary Teacher Award winner.  She is a contributor to The New York Times Learning Network, Scientific American, The Washington Post’s Answer Sheet, Edutopia, and more.

*Edited 6/11/15 at 5:08pm to reword the charter school paragraph as the blame for not serving special needs populations falls on the schools and the way I worded it before was flippant. I also clarified that I am speaking specifically about Eva Moskowitz’s Success network of schools, which Christie supports.

64 Responses

  1. Thorough and rational, unlike the self-proclaimed “experts” on education, including your governor. Keep up the good work, and although I feel sorry for you, please keep him in New Jersey. We need him in national politics like a hospital needs a fresh MRSA outbreak.

    • I totally agree with this reply for our governor. I work in Trenton another
      low income area. I’m a preschool director for a formerly Abbott preschool district provider. My teachers face the impact of poverty everyday in the eyes of their students. These children have social emotional problems from the trauma they must endure everyday at home and their community. Our school is trying to give these children a head start so they are ready for the challenges they will face going to kindergarten and beyond One of my teachers has her 4 years old students reading because of her hard work and dedication . Her “part-time” job consists of working everyday after contracted hours, preparing and researching for her lesson plans, adding her observations into our online system, writing daily updates to her families, looking at all her student’s assessments to see where they need assistance, calling parents, preparing her classroom for the next morning, going to the library, buying more materials for her classroom with her own money etc. After her “part0time” job, she goes home to take care of her two children as a single parent(no child support) and the next morning the cycle begins again, During the summer, she attends PD( again using her own money) , works on her following school year lesson plans , researches best practices for her class, takes college classes, etc.
      Our children need to be the generation to break the cycle of poverty. They need to graduate High School unlike 52% of the young adults in Trenton today. I attend a BOE meeting last year in Trenton. They are building a new high school so the parents and board were debating where the 800 students would attend school during the 5 year construction process..Less then half of those students will still be in high school. Why? The teachers are dedicated and hard working.
      Parents do care but many of them like the governor said are working three jobs to make ends met. I have some thought on that-
      children are left home alone and hang out in the streets- there are no teen centers for them to go too
      2. They see drug dealers making more money and believing that this may be their way out.
      3. No father figure- single mothers raising their children. I believe every child needs a father or a father- figure in their life.
      4. They need to be motivated like the governor said from a young age.
      5. If they are not reading by 3rd grade they will never catch up unless someone (teacher) steps in and tutors them.
      6.Their mothers care for them and want them to be educated but they can’t help them with homework because they can’t read or write or again they are not home because they need to work 3 jobs
      I could go on but I have said enough. Thanks, Governor for your teacher bashing once again,

  2. I understand why you are appalled. I am a teacher in Florida and our Governor has the same mentality. While pushing National Board Certification he took away our bonus. Like you I work as many hours after school and during the summer and then listen to the same ignorant comments. His comment about techology really got me as he is not considering that you can have all the technology in the world, yet if the children can’t afford food at home the they can’t afford the technology at home to help them with their homework etc. I’m glad his children have the money to afford the technology. Most of the children in the three districts that he mentioned doing so poorly can’t afford it. He needs to get his head out of the ground and spend time in the classroom of real schools with real teachers. He needs to understand that unlike private or charter schools, when you get those non-English speakers, or kids who come from families where their own parents can’t read and can’t help them with homework, that the school can’t send them away to keep those who are performing at or above grade level. We educate them all. So sorry for what you are going through in New Jersey.

  3. Bravo Sarah! Well done! Thank you for defending our profession, and for doing it so eloquently. Part time work!!! Are you kidding me?? I don’t know any teacher who is done when the work day ends. In fact, most teachers typically give up one day EVERY weekend to read, plan, and assess, curriculum, daily lessons and/or student work. If that teacher happens to be working toward an advanced degree, then the entire weekend is devoted to educational pursuits to better all. Teaching is both an exhausting, but exhilarating profession. Thank you for adding your powerful voice to this critical topic.

  4. Thank you for this thoughtful response to the frustrations shared by so many teachers across the county. I do worry that the current culture of teacher-blame will have an impact on young people as they choose their careers. We are already seeing fewer college students enrolling in teacher prep programs. A lack of quality teachers will create a real crisis in public education. To undermine public education is to undermine democracy itself…but maybe Christie doesn’t care about that?

  5. Thank you, Sarah, for putting into words my feelings when I watched the video clip last night. I was appalled and angry. You obviously were to, but in addition, you are also articulate. Thanks again for speaking up.

  6. Eloquently written. Thank you for a great reply to the worst of the worst. I find myself so angry with c.c.’s remarks that I don’t think I could respond as well as you did. I appreciate and agree with every part of your remarks and congratulate you. Now let’s let the rest of the country see what he’s really like. I am tired of hearing “he says it like it is”

  7. Please submit this to every newspaper possible. This needs to be seen. You have fabulously and eloquently expressed the frustrations of every educator under this regime. It’s heartbreaking and depressing.

  8. Bravo, Sarah!! Part time??? That’s crazy. For the past two weeks my husband, a high school teacher, has been meeting with a student who is struggling at 7am at the high school. That’s a half hour every day for two weeks on his own time, not to mention the countless hours after school helping students or just trying “catch up”. Tonight he has his soloist performing at a local restaurant outside on a patio in Hamilton Twp. Families gather and are so proud of their children. Pictures taken all evening. Yup, ON HIS OWN TIME. Nuff said.

  9. Sarah I appreciate your reply and I agree with everything you said but I must say one thing did upset me and that was your reference to the children with disabilities and behavioral issues “dragging down the results”. I know that my daughter who is on the Autistic Spectrum and also struggles with ADHD has had phenomenal teachers, therapists and counselors but please don’t make these children the center of more negativity. They are bullied everyday trust me but their peers and that is enough.

    • I apologize, Melissa. Please know I meant no offense, but I realize it did not come out right. I teach (and have taught) many students on the spectrum and with various disabilities. I should have clarified that charter schools often do not serve the special ed population and that’s not right. I will edit that part of my post.

    • I also want to clarify (and did so in the post now) that I am specifically referring to Eva Moskowitz’s Success charter school network, which Chris Christie supports. He recently spoke at a Moskowtiz event. The Success schools are well-known for their child-unfriendly practices, cruel labor practices for teachers, and extraordinarily high turnover rate of students and teachers. Unfortunately, they achieve high test scores so Mr. Christie is a fan.

      Thank you for pushing me to clarify and rethink that portion of my rant!

  10. Reblogged this on Like a scream but sort of silent and commented:

  11. If I could, I would double EVERY teacher’s salary, and impeach this Governor. He would rather spend time hanging out with the Dallas Cowboys’ owner and pursue national presidential polls almost like that cretin former governor from Alaska wanted to do.
    This issue goes way back, and Christie, did not employ tact, compromise, good leadership; rather, he bullied his way through.
    THE education we all learned from this, most importantly, the teachers of the state of New Jersey, is that politicians don’t give a DAMN about teachers, and in the end, do NOT care about NEW JERSEY.

  12. Christi is a stupid, ignorant, foolish out of touch SOB who should have his lips sewed shut. The schools are not the same as they were in the 19th century. I want to know how much of that money he throws around actually makes it to the classroom instead of into the accounts of one of his corporate supporters. He says teaching is a part time job and we get 5 months off a year? During the 40 weeks I was a teacher I worked between 60 and 100 hours a week and that was the teaching weeks. Teachers also had to start school a week or two before the children arrived.

    Christi doesn’t debate because if he actually sat down and debated, he’d lose. Christi is a BS artist.

  13. “Desks in rows” “Blackboards”. “Full-time salary for a part-time job!”. This guy is out of touch. He makes me sick and I pray he doesn’t get near the oval office! He is insulting professional educators, berating hard working, dedicated individuals who are among the LOWEST paid population in the US! NJ teachers I’m sorry for what you’re going through with this idiot-we have one too! Over paid, out of touch politicians. Instead of attacking teachers, let’s attack politicians and elect officials that get it! Do we have any of those left????? I know what we do have, AMAZING teachers. You should be ashamed!

    • New Jersey was among the three least funded states, but in the top three for achievement. I have attended rallies with NJEA early on when he was first elected. Teachers, educational support staff all work to provide children with the best education that will meet their needs.
      Gov. Christy obviously hasn’t been in a school since he graduated himself! Desks in a row??
      I’d like to see him teach full time for a week at any level of public education and be responsible for all of the preparation. He would probably lose his temper within a day, and that is being generous.
      Since the first day I started to teach I have contributed to my pension. People always criticize public employees, then I hear of the amounts other employees get from their contributions and employees, which is substantial. As far as public employees that are in political position, they collect pensions from several sources since they are represented by different plans. One politician in Camden collected monies from 5 sources which amounted to a nice sum!!
      Oh well I haven’t solved anything, but I feel better! Oh to be a millionaire like our governor!

  14. A few years ago, I logged every bit of time I worked. I was irked by those who said similar things to what Governor Christie said in this video — that I worked part-time for full-time pay. So I did the math.

    In the 2011-2012 school year, I logged 1653 hours and 28 minutes. A traditional “full-time” employee would work around 1944 hours. So, sure, I worked less than a full-time year-round employee would. I will concede that.

    So let’s look at the pay.

    I worked 85% of the time that a full-time year-round employee worked. So logic would dictate that perhaps I should make 85% of the pay for similar-level workers, no?

    At the time, the most recent data I could find was from 1997-1999. In those years, a full-time year-round employee with a Master’s degree working in the United States earned, on average, $62,300. I’m honestly not sure if that would be more or less in 2011 dollars, but I think it’s safe to use that value.

    I would love to have earned 85% of that salary. As it was, I earned closer to 65% of that salary. And let’s not talk about my first year teaching, when I logged similar hours, but for only 36% of that salary (granted, I didn’t have my Master’s at that point, either).

    I know it’s different for everyone, and I’m not saying that it’s a good idea to pay teachers based on the hours they work compared to the hours a full-time year-round employee works. The jobs are different. They involve different requirements from a mental, physical, and time of day perspective. When most salaried employees leave their job for the day, they get to be done with it. Again, not true for all salaried employees — but true for only about 0.00005% of teachers. So the comparison itself isn’t a fair one.

    But if we DO allow that comparison, teachers are still on the short end of the stick. So what are you going to do, Governor Christie? Do you want to pay me appropriately for my “part-time” work? I’d gladly accept it. My family and I would appreciate the pay raise.

    • Oh, and to add in another 2 cents about summers: this year, today is my first day off. 10 weeks from this coming Monday, I have students in my classroom. A week prior to that, all teachers are required to come in for workshops and beginning of the year things. So 9 weeks of summer vacation. A week prior to THAT, we offer “boot camp” sessions for our students who want a little boost to their academic systems before school starts. Many teachers work these. 8 weeks of vacation. A week prior to THAT, many of our teachers are being sent to AP training. 7 weeks. Even if you add in spring break and winter break, we’re looking at maybe 10 weeks of vacation a year. Granted, a lot more than the traditional 2-3 weeks most people get. But that’s 2 months off, Governor Christie. Not 5. And, as Sarah said here, those weeks will be full of preparing for the time in the year when we are not “on break.”

      At least, for those of us who don’t have to work a second job to stay above the poverty line.

      • In my district in Vermont, I will have exactly 6 weeks and 1 day off so this is a summer that I am NOT taking a graduate class. This does not count the days I will go back to school to unpack supplies and set up the room. Many professionals who have worked in their field for 25-30 years do get 4 or 5 weeks of vacation time…..and they don’t earn less than $50,000 a year! The governor’s comments are so off base that it is ridiculous….

    • Brian, you need to publish this!!!!

  15. BRAVO! You have so eloquently expressed what all New Jersey teachers feel. I hope that you will send this essay to every major newspaper in the country as well as the editorial staff of every major television network. Your voice needs to be heard!

  16. as a NJ teacher I am appalled by this buffoon of a governor. Here’s a question: how do we teachers find a lawyer who will organize a class action lawsuit against the state to allow us to remove the pension money currently earned in our accounts? We had the money taken out of our checks month after month, year after year with no ability to not contribute. Now that the court had ruled that the state can do what it wants with our pension I want my money. How can we do that? We out money in that we earned. Does anyone have an answer to that one?

  17. […] To see Governor Christie at his best, watch the video clip on this post […]

  18. Thanks for sharing this Sarah! I started a comment on the YouTube page and thought I could have spent the day constructing a response. Instead, I wrote a paragraph and left biting my (figurative) tongue.

    I could not have constructed a diatribe like yours in less than a day! Great job. I hope some New Hampshire voters see this and get a reality check!

    Great work!

  19. Love the revisions you made from the original FB post, Sarah. Stay mad and articulate. You are a star, and people are hearing your voice and echoing your thoughts. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this published in some major publications. Can’t wait. Go get ’em!

  20. Its a shame that many people agree with his lies.

  21. exactly the same in the UK…

  22. My husband is a teacher. Teachers work harder than a Tax accountant. My brother in law has his CPA. From Jan to April 16th his puts in 18 hour days. Then things slow down. But teachers work 12 to 16 hour days and weekends too for 10 months. They need a mental break. Many are with over 100 students 180 days of the year. The CPA makes $300,000.oo dollars. The teacher makes about $72,000.00 if they have a Masters degree.

  23. What a fantastic post Sarah! I hadn’t seen this video until now. Christie is outrageous! I am so offended that he thinks I work part time for a full time salary. He doesn’t have a clue what we teachers do. I hope your post is shared far and wide. And I hope Mr. Windbags himself reads it.

    He thinks we are a threat on the same level as ISIS? What the heck?

  24. He is a disgrace ! So, all the problems in Newark and Camden are the teachers fault! He is an ignorant man!!!

  25. Incredible! I am a teacher, with 8 years of post-secondary school. My husband is also a professional, but with a 4-year bachelor’s degree. He earns twice as much as I do, and works significantly fewer hours. Mr. Christie has obviously never followed a teacher around for a day. And does he really believe that keeping children in school for longer hours and additional days is really going to make a difference? Children are children: their education needs to be responsive to their developmental stage. My students are bagged by the end of the day, and by the end of the school year, because they have been working hard, and to the best of their capability. Adding more hours is not going to make them ready to learn. Mr. Christie’s rant shows his ignorance and lack of respect for people who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of children. Shame on him.

  26. Your children go to a PRIVATE SCHOOL.You are a typical politician blind to the needs of the children. You make rash judgments almost ignorantly self righteous, opinionated, and horrendously judgmental.
    As A teacher I spend HOURS planning a fulfilling ,goal-oriented lesson, trying to put myself in the place of the learner…asking myself Is there sequence? review? re-inforcement? challenge? points of critical reasoning? PQ4R (Preview, question,Read-Recite-Review-Repeat), demonstration (not the protest kind for example by the NJEA)
    You single out the Abbots districts -one of which I have taught in- and it wasn’t the teachers who couldn’t wait until the summer, but more than one administrator bemoaned the endless problems with parents and their children and ended up resigning.
    Teachers roughly get about ten weeks. NOT 5 MONTHS and it’s a crime for you to stand up there and present yourself as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States and you routinely dish out erroneous misleading information to potebtial voters. The impression they get is that you can’t stand your own state. Your are still the insulting, arrogant prosecutor.
    Fix the roads that are overused because of the overcrowding from new developments, from whom shall come new students needing teachers who will be dedicated and determined to do their job despite persecution from people like you who make promises they don’t keep.

    • This perfectly written response should be sent to every politician and they should be forced to read and sign in public that they did. The push for charter schools is happening because the politicians have found a new industry to make money in- they like Christie have friends and associates who will monetarily gain from charter schools – follow the money that is what you will find-

  27. I agree with your comments. very well written and thought out.I am a retired teacher and I am.sick of teacher bashing and thinking it is so easy.

  28. Thank you for your post! We work too hard to be treated this way. We all need to stick together! I am so tired of the teacher bashing going on in this country. Elections are coming!

  29. If only Christie supporters would read this, or better yet, work in a classroom for a few days, preferably an area where most live in poverty. But they would never do it.

    • You know, the problem is that neither Christie nor those supporters of his who thinks he speaks truth could teach, manage a classroom, incidentally, handle individual student personal problems that surface,
      have grades in on time, have the creative juices to make any subject interesting, etc.,etc. I just don’t understand (other than the political sway most teacher’s unions have), what the problem is with the Republican Party & teachers. Whatever they became in life, as far as a profession they have a teacher to thank. The teacher spent more time with them during their waking hours than their parents.
      As you know (& I’m singing to the choir now) neither the starting hours nor ending of a teacher’s work day begins or ends with the school bell.
      His contention, his lie that teachers are being paid full time money for working a part-time job, PLEASE!!!!! Give me a Break !!! these are the most intense working hours one can ever have and beyond.
      My challenge to anyone who feels this way is, since you think this job-teaching – is such a breeze and a way to get easy money, well the colleges are still open. You can go back and get a teaching certificate in any given field and get a job a teacher.

  30. And what about all those monetary figures he spews about how much money is spent on students? What if we actually follow that money and see where it is being spent? My guess is that we would find a huge amount of it is being spent on heavy administration salaries, test prep, administration and grading, (including the Craig’s List part-time employees hired to grade the tests) all of which work directly against student achievement.

  31. Actually, the Craig’s List employees are paid by Pearson but where does Pearson get the money to pay them? Yep!

  32. It’s Saturday at 2:50 pm…..just coming back from school- on a Saturday where I finished grading find this. I was an A student in high school, I had great father said he wouldn’t pay for me to be a teacher…too little pay and no respect. I love my job. I feel as though I get to help make the world a better place. But in some respects my father had a point. I certainly wouldn’t encourage young people to go into teaching in this climate.

  33. Please keep Chris Christie far away from Washington D.C., and away from the children of New Jersey.

    He is an insulting individual who lacks class and dignity, and attacks the public education system because there is money to be stolen…or for Christie and his lackeys, to be made.

    He is a disgrace to not only the people of New Jersey, but to all Americans.

    Nothing but a mere criminal, using a public position, to further perpetrate more crimes against the citizens.

    He has been exposed for what he is…

    I would like to see a professional legal team…that has the interests of the citizens, and the health and well-being of our nation pursue legal action against Christie…

    …for high crimes and treason against the People of the great State of New Jersey.

  34. I never get into politics on social media either nor do I rarely comment on things however I am appalled at our Governor. How dare he speak like that. He clearly has not been in a school for quite some time nor has he followed any teacher’s day. I am not a teacher but know many and they have their hands full. My neighbor does not get home until five and six o’clock. She works at night and weekends grading papers, doing lesson plans and buys her own supplies for her classroom and projects with the children. Teachers today face many challenges in the schools and classrooms. Wake up Governor Christie because if you want our schools to stay the best then you better rethink what you are doing and saying. Why don’t you do something about the judges who are collecting multiple pensions ? Are some of them your friends? I am so disappointed at our Governor. Attack something else not our teachers who are teaching our future . What is this world coming to? He should step in their shoes but I don’t think he can!

  35. A jackass.

  36. […] Appalled and Disheartened. Governor Christie, How Dare You? […]

  37. He is seriously so f***ing delusional, it is scary.

  38. […] To see Governor Christie at his best, watch the video clip on this post […]

  39. God bless you for kicking Christie’s (jack) ass! Thank you for your incredible commitment, wisdom, eloquence, and inspiration. What the Pa legislature, previous governor (whose name should be stricken), and our corporate-profits-and-individual-wealth driven politics has done to children breaks my heart and makes me want to quit teaching.

    I will share your words.

    Greg Zahm

  40. Why do teachers get offended when someone points out obvious advantages to their professions. Their hours at work are less, they do get the summers off and they get more holidays than the average person. They also get pay raises simply by getting additional degrees. Those are facts not insults. If others wanted those luxuries for the exchange of dealing with kids that do not respect authority or parents that don’t care enough about their children’s education they can go threw the same process and join them. Do Wall Street executives get insulted when someone points out they get huge bonus’s NO. Do life guards get insulted when someone points out they get to work at the Beach. No. Do union carpenters and plumbers get upset if someone points out they get paid well for their talents. Business people don’t get upset when people point out they get high salaries. So why do teachers always consider it an insult when their benefits are discussed,

    • Teachers get upset because people who think we have such great benefits don’t walk in our shoes. They don’t see that we really don’t have these benefits. Unless you consider teaching for 22 years and at the end of that 22 years only making $42,000. Oh did I mention that the previous five years instead of giving pay raises they lowered our pay by 5% each year? During this time our health benefits cost doubled, Our National Board bonus was stopped and we still had to provide supplies out of our pay for those students who didn’t have them. I’ve been out of school for one week and have been working on next years plans EVERY day. I’ve already started purchasing supplies for next years students. I’ve scheduled appointments with other teachers to work on joint lessons. This will continue throughout the summer. I can’t speak for all teachers but I work 10 – 12 hour days AT school. Also those planning periods we get are not breaks like other professions have. They are what they are called planning periods. This is the time we call parents, grade papers and do other things so that hopefully we won’t be working until 11 or 12 at night. That is why I get offended when ignorant people who have never walked in the shoes of a teacher make ignorant comments.

    • Teachers get offended because the “obvious advantages” that you and so many who don’t have the first clue about education use as examples are WRONG. “Their hours at work are less” – We work the same 8-hour day that you do. “They get the summers off” – During the school year, the extra hours we put in doing the myriad and sundry tasks which our position requires amount to most of our summer vacation. If you add up all of the extra hours during the school year and subtract it from summer vacation time, it leaves about 2 weeks of actual vacation. As many many posters have already commented, much of that summer vacation is also spent doing school work, so in the end we have put in as many or more hours doing our job during the year as the “average” person puts into a 40-hour-a-week job. “They get pay raises simply by getting additional degrees” – Have you checked grad. credit costs lately? There is no “simply” in getting that additional degree. We pay for every credit that goes into a lane change, and it takes 2-3 years of paying for grad. credits to finally achieve that lane change which will start to compensate that teacher for their time and money. Many salaries have been frozen or cut in the past few years due to governors with the same mindset as Mr. Christie’s. I could go on, but it’s been clear during my 27-year career that there is no changing some people’s minds with facts, and they will keep spouting the same misinformation regardless.

  41. You ask what he’ll do when no one wants to teach? He will be dancing in the streets, because his goal of a thoroughly ignorant populace that believes everything they are spoonfed by rich Republican jerks will be achieved. He is nothing but an ignorant bully and a liar and a thief, and anyone who says different is smoking something.

  42. […] taken his refrains demeaning teachers on the road, repeating an often stated position of his that teachers are lazy and don’t really work full time jobs.  An accusation which is really rich for a governor who has spent half of 2015 out of […]

  43. […] taken his refrains demeaning teachers on the road, repeating an often stated position of his that teachers are lazy and don’t really work full time jobs. An accusation which is really rich for a governor who has spent half of 2015 out of […]

  44. […] Appalled and Disheartened. Governor Christie, How Dare You? […]

  45. […] that we actually have a political candidate running for president in the Republican Party – New Jersey Governor Chris Christie – who openly chastises teachers for being “part time workers” who get “full […]

  46. Thank you for not only sharing this but placing it on the ProTeacher web site. I hope the NEA gets a hold of this clip and makes a commercial out of it. Can you imagine the outrage from teachers across the country?!

  47. […] in New Jersey, and he has not let up his assault on the Garden State’s teachers since then.  In a New Hampshire Town Hall in June, Governor Christie gave a laugh line where he said that our national education system was a threat […]

  48. […] about 33:55 she announced in a Chris Christie sort of way about how America’s public schools today are no different than the public schools that her […]

  49. […] who has disparaged teachers’ work as not full […]

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