Finish Line Post #48hbc

I love MotherReader’s 48 Hour Book Challenge!

Stats :

Time spent reading- 15 hours and 14 minutes

Time spent blogging/tweeting- 2 hrs and 40 minutes (#YAsaves totally counts)

Total:  17 hours and 54 minutes!

Total Pages read: 3135

Total Books: 13

Books Read:

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater-  My favorite Maggie Stiefvater book.  Water horses?  Umph.  I didn’t want this to end!
The Fox Inheritance (The Jenna Fox Chronicles) by Mary Pearson- A fantastic follow-up.  Can’t wait to share with my students, especially my students who are really into science/genetics.
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray- I can not remember the last time I laughed this hard while reading a book. Fantastic and funny!
The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner- Great contemporary YA that I think will be very popular with me freshman!
A Monster Calls: Inspired by an idea from Siobhan Dowd by Patrick Ness- Oh, oh, oh. There are no words. Still wiping tears from my eyes.
The Elephant Scientist (Scientists in the Field Series) by Donna M. Jackson- Another great addition to the Scientists in the Field series.
Tropical Secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba by Margarita Engle- Great verse novel. I learned a lot!
Purple Daze by Sherry Shahan- Like a verse novel version of my favorite musical, Hair. Great for older teen readers.
Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Deception by Gary Paulsen- A book that will have you laughing out loud!
Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr-A book that’s been on my TBR pile for ages. Why did I wait so long to read it?!
Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters by Mark Dunn- An English teacher’s dream. Haha
Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray- Wow! I enjoyed this one a lot more than I ever expected to!

6 Responses

  1. Great job with all that reading! You are fast! I’m glad to hear that Beauty Queens had you laughing, as I had read some mixed reviews, but I’ll try anything funny. Thanks for playing and tweeting along!

  2. Ditto what MR said about Beauty Queens.

    And awesome job reading! Looks like you picked some great books to read this weekend.

  3. I LOVED Ella Minnow Pea. I have about two students a year who pick it up. And thanks for the news about the sequel to Jenna Fox. I’ll definitely need a copy.

  4. After you tweeted about ONCE WAS LOST, I was sad I didn’t put it on my pile to read this time. I too have put it off a long time, but you’ve convinced me.

    Eager to read Scorpio Races, too. Great tease.

    You did awesome and it sounds like all your reads were good ones.

  5. wow you read alot of books! great job!!!

  6. Congratulations! Almost 18 hours. I’m impressed!

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