Get Students Involved in Science Writing! #write2connect

Stories connect us to each other.  Stories matter.  Stories can help enhance science communication.  And science communication is a passion of mine.  I even co-wrote an article about it last year!

curiousYOUNGwriters is a blog that publishes high school student writing.  It’s a perfect example of #write2connect.

If you are curious about the role of unusual animal models in advancing understanding of human disease….

If you are curious about engaging ways to educate the public about the biomedical research process…

If you are curious about a student-run creative initiative to advance the art of science communication…

Follow curiousYOUNGwriters (cYw), and read compelling stories that tell the tale of nontraditional animal models helping researchers find answers to age-old medical mysteries.

All blog posts are written by high school students who research an unusual animal model of their choice and compose a creative nonfiction blog post to share what they learn.

The latest post is entitled: “Unraveling The Mystery of Alzheimer’s Disease: Could Camels Carry The Cure?”

Everyone loves a good story, and I encourage you to share these fascinating stories that are all researched & written by curious high school students.

cYw is hosted by States United for Biomedical Research (SUBR) and endorsed by The New Jersey Biology Teachers Association (BTANJ).

I am a member of the faculty board for cYw and I can not sing its praises enough!  Be sure to check it out!  New posts go up every month.  

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