An APB for Friendly Publishing Folks! (Please RT!)

This summer, I am running a camp for bookworms.  Inspired by Thalia’s Book Camp, run by Symphony Space in NYC, I will be spending a week at our local community college with 7th, 8th, and 9th graders who love to read.  Before camp, they will read Ashfall, Breadcrumbs, and Tankborn (I am so excited about all of these books!).  Over the course of 5 days, I am planning to do a few author Skype visits, writing activities, mini book groups, and other activities connected to the books.  I’m brainstorming as you read this.

But something else I would love to do is connect with folks in the publishing world.  We can’t go to NYC, but I’d love to have an editor, cover designer, agent, or anyone else in publishing Skype in for a few minutes and talk to the kids about their work.  All of the attendees are guaranteed to be bookworms, but I doubt they have much knowledge about the process of making books.  It would be a great experience for them!

I’m hoping to reach out to people who read the blog.  We wouldn’t take up much of your time- maybe 25-30 minutes? If you are interested in talking to the kids, it would be during the week of August 13th-17th.  Please email me  ( if you have questions or if you are interested.  Thanks so much!



*Feel free to pass this blog post around!  Thanks!

2 Responses

  1. I’ve also wanted to do something similar to Thalia’s Book Camp, so please keep us updated on your progress. I am not in those fields, but recommend author Alan Lawrence Sitomer, who is very responsive and a teacher.

  2. Might be fun to explore handmade book techniques. You know, Coptic binding and stuff.

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