My iPhone and Reading

Last week I finally upgraded my #dumbphone to a #fancyphone!  It’s been a long time coming, but I waited (im)patiently for the iPhone to come to Verizon.  I am a Mac girl through and through.  Finally, my time has arrived!

Having my iPhone with me all the time has made for a lot more reading time.  I carry my iPad with me a lot, but not back and forth to school because my computer is with me then.  So that meant I was sometimes out of luck when I got stuck waiting somewhere without a book.  But I never travel without my cell phone, and over the past week I have been pulling it out constantly to read.  I am reading more over lunch, during breaks, waiting in line at the bank, and anywhere else I find myself waiting.  It is so convenient!

Have you found yourself reading more now that it’s so easy to carry a lot of books with you at one time?



(No worries- I am still a paper girl through and through.  I am not going all pro e-reader here.  I just like the convenience of having a back-up book with me at all times, on my phone.)

5 Responses

  1. I have a Kindle so I’ve downloaded the Kindle app on my Droid. It is a great feature and does provide more opportunity to read at odd times.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sarah , Jibran. Jibran said: My iPhone and Reading « The Reading Zone […]

  3. I listen to a lot of audio books, on my iPhone and in the car. I haven’t tried reading entire books on the iPhone, but I read a lot of my RSS feeds there. My eyes get too tired of the small screen.

    I’m a paper girl through and through, too! I realized how true that is the other day when I picked up the first print book in a few weeks and felt the immense joy of reading from the page. It probably helps that the book was The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly and it’s fantastic so far.

  4. Yes! I was also waiting for the day when Verizon finally brought the iPhone to their repertoire. I had an iTouch and I liked reading on that, but now it’s even more awesome with the phone. I am reading more often now that I have a book with me everywhere I go.

    I’m with you though, I will never give up real books.

  5. I recently was given a Nook Color as a gift (which I really wanted). I also upgraded to a Droid X cell phone. I have carried the Nook ZERO times, I carry the Droid always. Yep…it has become my reader of choice.

    But while I do find it convenient, I still find myself getting books from the library and not so much using the e readers…which I find infinitely annoying!

    I don’t tend to purchase books and can’t often find the books on my TBR list from the library as ebooks yet. Libraries just haven’t caught up yet.

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